Letter of the year 2023

TA President, Maite Uribe, addresses her Letter of the year 2023, with the title My grace is enough for you, to all members, collaborators, friends and people who share the charism and spirituality of St. Pedro Poveda.

The letter takes as its starting point the text of St. Paul to Timothy “Stir into flame the gift of God that you have […]. For God did not give us a spirit of cowardice but rather of power and love.” (2Tim 1:6-7). A text collected and commented on by Pedro Poveda at the beginning of the Association to describe the “distinctive character” of its members.

This year 2023 the Teresian Association International Meeting of Member Associations and the 19th General Assembly Will take place. It will be also a year to prepare for 2024, the anniversary of the pontifical approval of the TA. This is an “eventful year, one that will renew and propel our association into a new phase”, points out Maite Uribe.


“Let us go forward as a family that wants to share a vision and charism made flesh, seen from different perspectives but centred on the source of Life. The challenges of reality and the complexity of the world situation need communities that are united by a mission. These people and communities have strong commitments and they seek responses that are creative and hope-filled.

This is the path that we wish to travel in this year of rethinking, thanksgiving, discernment, creativity and daring; above all of openness to the Spirit so that all things may be made new.”

The Association will be united during this 2023 “As a family centred on God and as a discerning community” in the plea: May your Spirit of wisdom help us to welcome your grace, making us witnesses of fortitude and love.